Дополнительный инструментарий для совместной работы

Дополнительный инструментарий для совместной работы с Mathcad 2000 Professional 4

Scripted Object Component using the Lotus123 application
1. lotus123 -Lotus 123 Example in Mathcad
2. lotus123 -Lotus 123 Example in MathConnex

MATLAB Component
1. Matlab
2. Matlab
3. Bpfilt -Uses Matlab to read a WAV file then bandpass filters the data in a Mathcad component.
4. ReadWAV-Uses Matlab to read a WAV file. Requires a small WAV file to read.

Various Scripted Object Component Examples
1. Formstut -MS Forms Control Scripted Object Tutorial.
2. Loancalc -Practical Use of MS Forms controls.
3. Plasma1-Illustrates the Use Of Many Components. MS Forms Scripted Object.
4. CheckBox -MS Forms Scripted Object.
5. ComboBox- MS Forms Scripted Object.
6. StrtoASC -String to ASCII conversion. MS Forms Scripted Object.

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